Toshiba/Dynabook Portege Z30

How to enter Bios in Supervisor mode :

If the Portege/Dynabook Z30-C has a Bios Supervisor password activated, and you cannot remove it via the Window Supervisor utility tool, then try the following :

  1. Power the device down fully

  2. Press and hold the F2 key

  3. While holding F2, press and release the power button

  4. The device should now ask for the Supervisor password

  5. Enter the Supervisor password

  6. The device should enter Bios in Supervisor mode

This is confirmed to work on the following models :

  • Toshiba Portege Z30-C-16

  • Dyanbook Portege Z30-C-16

How to clear CMOS battery :

The Portege/Dynabook Z30-C doesn't have a individual battery.

Instead, the main battery supplies power to the BIOS.

Remove the main battery to clear CMOS. To remove the battery, follow the disassembly guide on :